STEP 12 ~ Day 3

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Purpose” Audiobook ~ Part 3

  • 2

    Read the “Finding Your Purpose May Require Change” article

  • 3

    Complete the Giving Back Activity 12.3 at the bottom

“Purpose” ~ Part 3

Finding Your Purpose May Require Change

People have difficulty accepting change. However, it’s the one aspect of life we know will happen. Change is going to happen whether we like it or not. If you don’t do well with change, you should reverse your aversion to it.

Think of it this way. Perhaps you haven’t yet found your purpose because you have resisted change. That is a common affliction with many people. They simply refuse to accept that something different is happening in their lives.

The good news is people adapt with relative ease. After a while, you’ll have no choice but to accept most of the changes that happen in your life. People close to you will move on (one way or another). You will go through stages of life. In the end, you will cherish the memories that you have.

There are unintended consequences in most changes that occur for you. For instance, your current boss may leave the company, and a new one is going to replace them. You enjoyed working for the old boss and are dreading the new one. He or she could be someone you don’t like. Then again, the situation could now be beneficial to you. Perhaps you and the new boss think along similar lines, more so than your old boss.

You will need to deal with changes in your personal life, too. Your kids are going to move out of your house eventually. You may have to one day take care of your parents, and so on. When you are young and first starting out on your own, you don’t think of these situations.

The most significant benefit of any change is that it may be just what is needed to find your purpose. If you are used to the same routine, and it doesn’t seem right for you, changes may give you the boost and desire to find something that is right for you.

You should try to expose yourself to change more often. Some changes you cannot plan. However, there are many that you can. For instance, you can try to take an opposing point of view that you would never dare to in the past. If you favor a political party, speak with people from the opposite party. Try to keep an open mind when doing this. Ask them how they chose that point of view.

By exposing yourself to change, you will become better at accepting it. When this happens, you may be closer to discovering who you are and what is your purpose.

~ Giving Back Exercise ~



Research a person or an organization that could really use your help.

These last two points I want to cover together, and that is to take some time to research either a person or an organization that really needs some help and find a way to help them.

There are so many good causes out there.  There are so many people struggling to make their life work.  They’re struggling for one reason or another.  Find something that is really in tune with your heart.  Find something you know you want to be involved with, at least solving part of the problem.

There’s no shortage of this.  You can go to YouTube, you can go to the internet, you can just look in your community for people that really need help.

It does a couple of things.  One, it kind of humbles you a little bit.  It helps you reconnect with things that you need to be grateful for, because part of this whole 12 Steps to a  Completely NEW YOU Program is pushing you.  Helping you get to a new level in your life. 

You might forget to appreciate all the good things that you already have, because you’re working to get even better.

And that’s cool, but when you help other people it reconnects you too, “Wow, there’s a lot of people that have it a lot worse than me, and, A, I feel a lot more grateful, but, B, I can actually do something.  I’m privileged.  I have a gift or I have a skill or talent that can help this person.”

When you genuinely do this, when you genuinely help somebody that needs the help, you will feel an incredible sensation of reward. 

You’ll feel proud of yourself, and when you see their spirits lifted it will only reinforce that feeling even further.  You take that feeling with you through your entire day, through your entire week, really.

So it makes you a better person and it makes you do the actions that you’re doing in your day-to-day work here to be a more successful person, it makes them more powerful actions as well.

So really take some time this week to do this. Find somebody or an organization that could really use your help and use all of your resources to the maximum benefit and watch how much it not only benefits them but you as well.

I hope you enjoy week 12, and thanks for taking our 12 Steps to a Completely NEW YOU Program.

STEP 12 ~ Day 1

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Download your Files for STEP 12

  • 2

    Listen to the “Purpose” Audiobook ~ Part 1

  • 3

    Read the “Finding Your Purpose: Questions to Ask Yourself” article

  • 4

    Complete the Giving Back Activity 12.1 at the bottom

“Purpose” ~ Part 1

Finding Your Purpose: Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you know how to find your purpose? If you posed that question to several people, the majority would likely answer no. It’s because there is a world of possibilities. People are afraid to try something new out of fear of the unknown. They often don’t know how to go about looking for what they should be doing.

You need first to ask if what you are doing now is satisfying. Put aside the bills and your paycheck for a moment. Do you get a charge out of getting up every morning to go to work? How do you feel on Sunday evenings, assuming you start up work on Mondays? Do you dread having to get up in the morning on Monday, or does it excite you?

Another problem is you may feel stuck doing something in which you don’t believe. Suppose you work for a company that isn’t doing right by the community. It may be legal, but you don’t feel it’s ethical. It pays well, and that is why you stick with it. You even like many of the people who work there. However, the company sells something that makes your stomach turn. An example of this could be working for a tobacco company. You need to ask yourself if you can continue to work in an environment which doesn’t fit well with you.

You will also need to ask yourself what will it take to make changes to get out of your current situation and into something you enjoy. It may require going back to school or at least, training online. Luckily, there are several options available, and many of them are cheap or free.

If you find that the path is well laid out, ask yourself are you’re willing to put in the time and make an effort? If not, you haven’t truly found your purpose. You either need to continue what you are doing or find another path. Keep doing this until you are willing to put forth the effort.

You should explore your current situation and determine if you can change up your routine. For instance, ask your company if there are other opportunities within the organization that you can explore. If there are, they may ask you to serve two roles (your old position and your new one) while transitioning. Working like this could require putting in overtime, etc. But, it gives you some options to explore your purpose.

~ Giving Back Exercise ~



Each day give someone in your life a compliment.

It could be just telling them how nice they look.  It could be complimenting them on something that’s important to them.  If they’re working really hard at becoming a better athlete or getting in better shape, then take time to give them an honest and truthful compliment.

Don’t just say something for the sake of saying it, but give them a compliment.

If you haven’t noticed that they look any thinner but you’ve noticed how hard they’re working, then compliment them on how hard they’re working.

If you really pay attention to the other person, it will not be difficult to identify and spot areas to give them a genuine compliment.

Watch the way they react and the way it raises their spirits, and then watch for your own emotional, inspired type of reaction to that.

STEP 10 ~ Day 4

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Optimism” Audiobook ~ Part 4

  • 2

    Read the “Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Optimistically” article

  • 3

    Complete the Keeping Score Activity 10.4 at the bottom

“Optimism” ~ Part 4

Steps to Train Your Brain to Think Optimistically

You can reset your mindset to think more optimistically. Scientists have found that negative or positive mindset is only about 25% inheritable. The rest is dependent on the environment, especially the atmosphere where you grew up. Not surprisingly, loving, supportive families are inclined to encourage optimistic children while tense, dysfunctional families create children with a pessimistic view of the world. But growing up in difficult circumstances doesn’t condemn you to be a lifelong pessimist. You can choose to develop optimism, and there are some good reasons to do just that.

Research shows that being optimistic pays off in better health, greater resilience to stress, more career success, and even longer life. And it’s not that hard to start building your optimism muscles right now.

Here are some simple strategies to help you train your brain to be more positive.

1. Work on your self-talk

Getting stuck in a rut of negative self-talk is easy. So many of our negative beliefs, especially self-beliefs, were laid down in early childhood. They have become part of the background, so much so that you might not even realize you’re doing it. Sit back think about how you talk to yourself. Do you beat yourself up when things go wrong? Do you think that deep down you’re lazy or stupid, or that things will get better once you lose some weight?

Turn your self-talk around and rewrite your negative script. Think about yourself and make a list of all the positives. If you find this difficult, ask some people you trust what they like about you. Chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised at all the positive things people see in you.

2. Focus on the future

Optimists have their eye on the future. No matter what the present circumstances, they expect that good things and more opportunities are just around the corner. They stay hopeful and positive that things will not just work out, they’ll be better. Optimists don’t stay stuck in the past or brood over what they might have done wrong or what people did to them.

3. Look for the good things

Train your brain to be on the lookout for the good things in your life, big or small. Being grateful for what you have now makes you more able to expect and receive good things in the future. Being grateful brings more positivity into your life and defuses dissatisfaction.

~ Keeping Score Exercise ~



Track and analyze the wins you’ve had in the first nine weeks of this


Finally, this is the biggest one.  Track and analyze the wins that you’ve had in the first 10 weeks of this course.

We haven’t really introduced this until now, so you’re going to be doing this moving forward, tracking your successes on a daily basis moving forward, but take some time to revisit everything you’ve learned and all the things you’ve accomplished since starting the 12 Steps to a Completely NEW YOU Program.

Have you achieved a major objective?  Have you started a new job?  Maybe you opened a new business.  Maybe you lost some weight or got in better shape, or you’ve done things that had you not started this program you wouldn’t have done.

Take time to note those, write them down, write down the experiences you got from that and what you learned from it, and then you’ll have all kinds of motivation to keep doing this moving forward.

You will see direct, immediate benefit from dwelling on all of your successes.

Make this week about celebrating those successes and you’ll see exactly what I mean.  Enjoy yourself.  We’ll see you next week.

STEP 10 ~ Day 3

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Optimism” Audiobook ~ Part 3

  • 2

    Read the “Tips for Developing Your Daily Optimism” article

  • 3

    Complete the Keeping Score Activity 10.3 at the bottom

“Optimism” ~ Part 3

Tips for Developing Your Daily Optimism

Optimism is a learned skill like any other skill or habit you want to develop. Having an optimistic attitude of yourself, of life and the world can have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing and resilience, even boosting your immune system and lowering your blood pressure. Studies have shown that optimists have better career prospects and live longer happier lives.

Here are five tips for developing a more optimistic view of the world.

1. Identify as an optimist

Self-talk is powerful! Start telling people you’re an optimist, and you’ll soon begin to believe it, and forget you were ever even slightly pessimistic.

2. Accentuate the positives

Notice and acknowledge the positive things around you. Small things like having good food, clean water, and being able to read this article for example. A good exercise is to list ten things you’re grateful for every day – they don’t have to be big things, jot down whatever comes to mind.

3. Stop comparing

No good comes from comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone who is richer, thinner, more successful than you at any one time, and their success or luck isn’t connected to you at all. Don’t be tempted to lock yourself into a small, comfortless cell of jealousy. Instead think that if they can do it, so can you. Think abundance (there’s more than enough for everybody) instead of scarcity (if they’re successful then you can’t be).

4. Shift your focus

Optimism is dynamic and forward-looking. Develop a more optimistic outlook by moving on from the past and instead enjoy the present and actively look forward to the future. Optimists also don’t spend much time dwelling on whatever not-so-good things are in their lives. They acknowledge that bad things happen to everyone, and when bad things do happen, it’s not necessarily their fault. Bad times come, and bad times go, and good times usually happen just as often.

5. Don’t get hung up on one outcome

Putting all your eggs in one basket is risky, and it’s highly likely you will be disappointed. It’s also harder to pick up and move on if things don’t work out. An optimist will be flexible about outcomes and see that there are lots of different possibilities. If this one didn’t work, another maybe even better opportunity will come along.

Optimism and pessimism are not hard-wired into people. They are qualities you can change. You can choose to develop a more positive outlook on life and find that you’ll have a happier, healthier, better life!

~ Keeping Score Exercise ~



List what you learned from your greatest wins/successes.

Next, the third exercise, list any lessons you learned from your greatest wins and successes.

Go back and look at the actions you took.  Look at the state of mind you were in.  What kind of mood were you in on a general daily basis when you did this big win or you achieved this big thing?

Are you acting or behaving differently today than you were back then?  Can you revisit the state of mind that you had back then to maybe repeat that kind of success?

This allows you to foster the kind of environment  that will let you achieve more of these big wins.

STEP 10 ~ Day 2

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Optimism” Audiobook ~ Part 2

  • 2

    Read the “5 Benefits of Daily Optimism” article

  • 3

    Complete the Keeping Score Activity 10.2 at the bottom

“Optimism” ~ Part 2

5 Benefits of Daily Optimism

There is increasing evidence that being optimistic about life has measurable benefits, not just for your mental health, but your physical well-being too. Scientific studies have shown that as you become more optimistic, your life will improve in all sorts of ways. You’re even likely to have a longer life, just from being more hopeful and positive.

Among the many benefits of being optimistic are:

1. Optimists are healthier

Optimists not only rate their own health and wellbeing as better, but studies have also shown that optimists have better mental and physical health than pessimists. In a study of the effects of positive psychological well-being, optimism was found to be the biggest predictor of improved heart health. Optimists also have lower blood pressure and cholesterol and a lower risk of developing heart disease.

2. Optimists live longer

A study by the University of Pittsburgh found that of the 100,000 women studied over eight years, optimists were less likely to die from any cause than women with a more pessimistic outlook. That was confirmed by a later Harvard study that showed the women who had a positive outlook had a much lower risk (nearly 30% less) of dying from serious illnesses.

3. Optimists are happier

It might seem obvious that an optimist would be happier than a pessimist. But, it has been shown that optimists are not just sunnier in their dispositions, but they are measurably happier in their relationships, jobs, and life in general. They deal better with stress, are more resilient in bad times, and produce less cortisol, the stress hormone that leads to inflammation and a lowered immune system.

4. Optimists have smoother career paths

Researchers from Duke University found that the optimistic MBA graduates they studied were more likely to find a job, earn a higher starting salary, and have more frequent promotions than the pessimists in the group. Optimists also deal better with negative feedback, seeing it as an opportunity to improve and increase their chance of promotion in the future.

5. Optimists roll with the punches

Life’s adversities do not crush an optimist; they remain hopeful about the future. Optimism helps you deal with whatever limiting beliefs you have developed and shows you a way out. Being positive about life’s possibilities means you focus on what you can do. It boosts your confidence and makes you more likely to look for constructive solutions. It stops you feeling stuck or at the mercy of other people. If you’re optimistic, you know you can do it!

~ Keeping Score Exercise ~



List the 10 greatest wins/successes in your life and write in detail about

what made them great.

The next exercise we’re going to do something a little bit bigger.  You’re going to go back in your mind and revisit your 10 greatest wins and successes in your lifetime.

Believe it or not, you might have forgotten about some of the awesome things that you’ve achieved in the span of your life, and you’re so consumed with what you haven’t achieved yet that you forget about all these things you’ve done before.

In fact, I’ve noticed a lot of people tend to, when they go back in time in their memory to dwell on things they haven’t done so well in the past, and they use that to create negative emotion in their body.

Why not flip the coin here?  Flip the switch and do something a little bit different.

So go back and think about some of the amazing things you’ve done and write them down, 1 through 10, and really relish in the memory of that awesome experience you created.

STEP 9 ~ Day 1

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Download your Files for STEP 9

  • 2

    Listen to the “Leadership” Audiobook ~ Part 1

  • 3

    Read the “What Qualities Should Leaders Possess?” article

  • 4

    Complete the Communication Activity 9.1 at the bottom

“Leadership” ~ Part 1

What Qualities Should Leaders Possess?

If you ask several people what qualities leaders should possess, would they all come up with the same list? It’s likely they would come up with similar lists but would deviate on a few of the items. It’s likely the more people you ask, the closer the list will approach the averages.

Some responses will arise from perceptions of people being polled. If you believe that all leaders possess high intelligence, in your past you observed leaders who exhibited above-average intelligence. Others may have observed different attributes.

One attribute that is likely to go on many peoples’ list is integrity. We want leaders who won’t try to cover up problems or won’t try to blame others for their failures. They take responsibility and earn the trust of their followers. And yet, leaders are constantly being profiled in the news as corrupt or in some trouble with the law.

Leaders are also thought to possess enthusiasm. You’ll hear terms such as eternal optimists associated with great leaders. While this may be true, does this mean that all people who are optimistic are leaders? Have there ever been leaders who were not overly optimistic and had a reason not to exhibit this trait?

Communication is probably one trait that will get on everybody’s list for leadership. After all, if a leader cannot communicate, the team dynamic falters. Everyone will look to the leader to set the stage for communication. If he or she is incapable of being effective in this area, people won’t know what to do, or they will find a new leader who can communicate well. It doesn’t seem likely that leaders can survive without being good communicators.

You probably would include confidence as an attribute that you’d want to see in a leader. While it’s possible for leaders to lack that confidence, it’s not likely their followers will stick with them if they don’t. People need a confident captain to steer the ship in the right direction. They need someone who can alter course in case a storm hits. Only confident leaders will be capable of this.

Many people may include charisma as part of the list of traits for leadership. However, historians widely believe Adolph Hitler had charisma and was the primary method used to take over Germany. He was responsible for many atrocities during that period. While charisma may be a trait that some leaders possess, unfortunately, it doesn’t always lead to positive outcomes.

~ Communication Exercise ~



Outline a 5 minute speech

The first thing is, take a few minutes and outline a five-minute speech.  The outline is the topic of your talk and each point you want to make.

If you want to take this a step further, you could join an association like Toastmasters, and they actually have assignments and weekly get-togethers where you can do five-minute speeches just like this in a very supportive environment.

So if you really want to take this lesson to heart, you might want to do something like that.

STEP 8 ~ Day 1

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Download your Files for STEP 8

  • 2

    Listen to the “Time Management” Audiobook ~ Part 1

  • 3

    Read the “Clearing the Internal Clutter” article

  • 4

    Complete the Time Management Activity 8.1 at the bottom

“Time Management” ~ Part 1

Clearing the Internal Clutter

Did you ever find yourself frozen in time, having spent hours in front of your computer and not being able to account for anything that you did. If you have found yourself spinning your wheels, it could be for a couple of reasons. Either you were trying to do too many things at once, or you were concentrating on insignificant tasks and putting off the work you really need to do. Often, as entrepreneurs, we take on too many things, and since we are only accountable to ourselves in the short-term, many times we don’t finish any of them.

What’s your routine? When you get to your computer, what you do first? Do you check your e-mail, Skype, log into messenger, or answer calls? Unless there’s something urgent that you know is pending, this is probably a waste of your best time. The problem is first, these all seem like natural things to do. You want to know what’s going on. Second, these have

probably become habits, and they feel comfortable and even make you think that you’re accomplishing something.

But to quote Dr. Phil, “How’s that been working for you”?

If you’re reading information about time management, you might not be as successful and productive as you’d like to be. You know you need to change a few things, and, as with most things in life, the change has to start with you.

As entrepreneurs, freelancers, and internet marketers, our first responsibility is to get into the right mindset. This means taking the responsibility to deliver projects on time and to the best of our ability. Since we are our own bosses, prioritizing, producing, and delivering the product are all completely up to us. This is even more critical because we know if we don’t do this, we will eventually lose every client we have.

~ Time Management Exercise ~



List your time wasters.

There’s going to be a ton of different ways that you can do this, but I want to dive right into our action steps for this week, because these are very important. 

The first one is to take some time to think about your biggest time wasters. You might want to spend several days making notes as you go, catching yourself wasting time.

It could be that you check your email too often or you respond to text messages in an instant instead of waiting until later.  It might be that you’re on Facebook or social networks that aren’t really all that important or just online too often.

Or you’re wasting time with needless conversation with people just for entertainment purposes, when really a five-minute conversation would have been fine.  You’re turning it into a half an hour debate that you really don’t need to be investing your time into.

These time wasters will be all over the map for you.  What you really want to do is become consciously aware of each and every one of them and start tracking how they’re impacting you.

STEP 7 ~ Day 1

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Download your Files for STEP 7

  • 2

    Listen to the “Asking For Things” Audiobook ~ Part 1

  • 3

    Read the “Are You Willing to Ask?” article

  • 4

    Complete the “Asking For Things” Activity 7.1 at the bottom

“Asking For Things” ~ Part 1

Are You Willing to Ask?

Are You Willing to Ask?

Are you the type of person who gives themselves permission to ask for things? While you may think you are, asking for things is a trait that many people find difficult. As much as you want to ask, you always have that niggley feeling that holds you back.

Quite often you are made to feel self centered if you start to ask for specific things. This is so untrue, why shouldn’t you ask for something in order to attain your dreams and goals?

It can take a lot of courage to open up and ask someone for something. This might be to be given an opportunity, or to ask for help in some way. You may even want to ask for something for another person! Yet your inner voice keeps holding you back. You are probably scared of the word No.

If this sounds like you then remember that every no actually takes you one step close to that final yes! This is a wonderful concept to remember and to be aware of. It can often take several no’s before you get that yes!

Another thing to remember about asking is that you don’t always have to ask an actual person. Do you remember as a child asking God for something, or just talking out loud to the Universe? So why not ask in the same way now?

Once you become willing to ask there is another important step that is required. That is the one of taking action. Now that you have the courage to ask, it doesn’t mean that things will magically appear. You need to have a plan of action to make what you asked for become a reality.

A good example is that of owning your own home. You have asked out loud for this to happen to you. Your next step is to then envision yourself owning your home. Even to the point of giving your home an address and knowing what it will look like.

Now your action plan includes finding ways to save for your new home. This could be to learn how to invest the money you have in a better manner. Or it might involve taking on a part time job, or finding a better paying one.

In time your actions are going to lead to you moving into your new home. The one that you had the courage to ask the Universe to allow you to have. As you can see the saying ‘ask and you shall receive’ does work, it just requires a plan of action to go along with it.

~ Asking For Things Exercise ~



Take the time this week to think about 5 times that you were afraid to

ask something.

First, I want you to take some time to really think about five times where you were afraid to ask for something. 

This involves some personal reflection and it might be a little bit painful to go back in time and think of those situations where all you had to do was ask and a whole different world could have opened up for you, but you sat behind your fears, you didn’t do anything and what did that cost you.  Really think on that and then dwell on it for a while.

STEP 6 ~ Day 4

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Confident Choices” Audiobook ~ Part 4

  • 2

    Read the “Yes, Practice Will Improve Your Decision Making Skills” article

  • 3

    Complete the “Acting As If” Activity 6.4 at the bottom

“Confident Choices” ~ Part 4

Yes, Practice Will Improve Your Decision Making Skills

Good decision making is a skill. The good news is that it’s a skill that you can improve with practice. That’s easier said than done, of course. If you’re not confident in yourself and in the choices you make, practicing decision making can be quite a daunting task. My best advice is to start with the small stuff. Pay attention to all the little daily choices you make and how well you make them. By actively practicing you will begin to build confidence right along with your skills. You’ll get yourself ready for those times when you need to make the big and important decisions.

With that said, let me share two tips with you that will help you improve and get ready to make those decisions. They are mindset shifts that can get you over that hump when you fear to make a choice or need a little extra motivation to work on your decision-making skills.

Don’t Shy Away From Decisions and Don’t Procrastinate On Them

When we’re not confident in our choices, we tend to fear to make the decision. We worry about everything that could go wrong or are afraid of making a bad choice. The result is that we procrastinate and choose not to choose. That’s usually a bad thing.

To take the fear out of the unknown, think about what the worst possible outcome is if you make the decision right now. Compare that to not deciding at all. Between the two scenarios, you should feel more confident and able to pick something and move on. Stop wasting your time and stop putting off decision making. Instead, start to embrace it and remember, it’s good practice, even if you make a less than optimal choice.

Stop Being Afraid Of Making Bad or Wrong Decisions – Embrace Them As Learning Opportunities

That brings up a good point. Don’t be afraid of bad or wrong decisions. We all make bad choices at times. It’s part of being human. In fact, the wrong decision often isn’t a bad thing. Instead, it’s something positive and something we should embrace.

In today’s society, we are taught never to fail. Failures are bad and something to be avoided at all costs. That’s unhelpful and unproductive thinking. The fastest way to learn is to fail and try again until you get it right. That’s how you learned to walk, and it’s how you learned to write. That’s how you got better at a million other things. You should embrace failures and wrong choices or decisions as learning opportunities. Fail fast, and you’ll significantly increase how quickly you learn and rapidly get better at whatever you’ve set out to accomplish.

~ “Acting As If” Exercise ~



Identify 3 different ways you can start “acting as if”.

Using all this information from the previous exercises, start thinking immediately: “How can I act as if?” “How can I change things that I perceive as weaknesses, as negative personality traits?” Start immediately transforming those into positives or things you do proactively to become proficient at these things, simply by acting as if, even if you don’t have that characteristic or personality trait right now.

If you were to just act as if you did, how could your life change?

That’s your goal for this week. Good luck with it.

STEP 6 ~ Day 3

of The Completely NEW YOU

  • 1

    Listen to the “Confident Choices” Audiobook ~ Part 3

  • 2

    Read the “Why It Is Important That You’re Confident In Your Decisions” article

  • 3

    Complete the “Acting As If” Activity 6.3 at the bottom

“Confident Choices” ~ Part 3

Why It Is Important That You’re Confident In Your Decisions

Let’s talk about confidence. More specifically let’s take a look at why it’s important that you’re confident in your decision making. When you’re confident, it’s not only easier to make decisions, it’s also easier to implement them going forward. You’re not worried or scared that you made the wrong choice. You’re not constantly second-guessing yourself. Instead, you’re focused on implementing and making progress. That’s a great thing and not the only reason why it’s important that you become confident in your decisions. Here are a few more.

When You’re Confident, You Make Decisions Faster

When you have confidence in yourself and your decision-making ability, you tend to make decisions a lot faster. Since we are required to make more decisions than ever before on a daily basis in this information age, this has become an important skill. The average person in a leadership position makes close to 100 fairly important decisions a day. That’s a lot, and the faster you can make them, the quicker your team can get to work, and you can move on to everything else in your busy day (or the next important decision). It’s no wonder that fast decision- making skills are high on the priority list when it comes to hiring and promotions.

When You’re Confident, You Make Better Decisions

Confidence comes from experience and being well informed. It’s no wonder then that we make better decisions when we’re confident. As a bonus, we’re less swayed by the opinions of others and don’t second guess ourselves. We don’t end up choosing an option for the sake of gaining approval from others or causing less stir in our team or the company.

Instead, confidence gives us focus. We can look at the facts, weigh up potential outcomes based on experience and come up with the best objective decision.

When You’re Confident, Others Are More Likely To Trust In Your Choices

Last but not least, let’s talk about perception. When you’re in a leadership position, you need others to trust in the decisions you’re making. Being confident in your choices starts to establish that trust. Others won’t second guess your choice or grumble about what you’re asking them to do. Instead, they trust in you and your decision. That will help greatly when it comes time to implement your choices.

~ “Acting As If” Exercise ~



Break down why you thought those people don’t share the same

weaknesses as you. How do they act differently?

Now, you want to do a breakdown of why you think those people don’t share the same weaknesses as you. What is it specifically about the way they act that make them proficient versus you when it comes to you being not so good at this thing?

Let’s go back to finances. If they’re so good at managing their finances and they have an abundance of money, how are they acting differently? Can you break down from an outsider’s perspective what it is they do?

Do they carry themselves in a certain way? Maybe you’ve had conversations with them and you realize they’ve very shrewd investors and they’re always studying the markets.

I don’t know what it is, but look at those people and start making that contrast between yourself and them.

Using the above information, start identifying different ways that you can start acting as if.

If you don’t think about your finances or if you’re currently not really somebody who worries about investments and this person that you’re analyzing is doing a lot of these different things, how can you start acting a little bit more like them in that department?

Maybe it starts off with you picking up a financial newspaper or magazine or looking at a website for 20 minutes a day to get yourself tuned into those ideas and beginning to tune your mind into how it is to be a financial success.


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